04 February 2012

It Is So Hot

It is so hot in Botswana…

…I walk around under an umbrella.
…the water coming out of my “cold” tap is boiling hot.
…makeup literally melts down my face.
…despite being a self-proclaimed sun worshiper, I haven’t laid out in over a year.
…I cuddle up next to ice packs after work.
…wet clothes on the line take less than an hour to dry.
…my friend and I were commenting one day that it didn’t seem very hot. We then found out the temperature was 98 degrees.
…the only time it’s cool enough to exercise is 4:30am.
…when strangers come onto my family compound, the dogs don't even care enough to move.
…drinking 5 liters of water per day still isn’t enough to keep me hydrated.
…cooking dinner on the stove is enough to make sweat drip down my face.
…I sleep naked!

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