17 October 2010

An Apology

I’m sorry.  I know you, my friends and family, as my most avid supporters, deserve more than an occasional blog update and a stray email every now and then.  There’s no excuse, so please just know it’s not a reflection of my feelings toward you.  Rather it’s a side effect of the whole “Peace Corps experience.”

Sometimes when I do talk to people from home and they ask how I’m doing, I answer, “Fine… just trying to get adjusted.”  This statement is met with a fair amount of surprise.  Admittedly, six months is an ample amount of time to get acclimated, but when you’re immersing yourself in a new culture, there are levels of adjustment.  And I don’t think the end is anywhere in sight.

Please, continue to be patient with me.  There are still overwhelming days and nights where I collapse onto my bed exhausted at 7:30.  I'll try my best to post more, I promise.

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